Our Charter
Proceedings of the Consecration |
Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M.of the District of ColumbiaIn the United States of AmericaTo All Whom It May Concern:
Know Ye, that the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of the District of Columbia, authorizes the constitution of Fraternity Lodge No. 54 to work under the authority and jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and Know Ye, also that the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of the District of Columbia hereby appoints our trusted and beloved brethren, James T. Feezell, as the first Worshipful Master, Brother Jon W. Pool, Jr., as the first Senior Warden, and Brother Balfour D. Mattox as the first Junior Warden of Fraternity Lodge No. 54; and Know Ye Further, that the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of the District of Columbia, empowers these officers, as named, and their successors, duly elected and installed, to convene Fraternity Lodge No. 54 within the City of Washington, D.C., and therein to enter Apprentices, pass Fellowcrafts, and raise Master Masons; to ballot on applications for affiliation; and to conduct all business of the Lodge strictly in accord with the customs and usages of the Craft all of the laws, rules, and regulations of this Grand Lodge. By This Instrument, the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of the District of Columbia, authorizes Brothers Feezell, Pool, and Mattox to install their successors, they being the first elected as such, and thereupon to deliver to said successors this warrant of constitution, thereby investing them will all of their powers and dignities as Freemasons, and such successors, in like manner, install their successors, on ad infinitum. Be It Additionally Known, that this Charter is issued with the proviso that the above named brethren and their successors are to unequivocally pay due and full respect to this Grand Lodge and to the ordinances thereof; otherwise this warrant of Constitution will become void and of no effect. In Testimony Of All That Is Herein Declared, and acting in my capacity as Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, I hereby affix this seal of the Grand Lodge and declare this Charter in force and effective as of this date, the twenty-fifth day of January, A.L. 6001, A.D. 2001. (Seal of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia)
Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., of the District of Columbia 2001
Special Communication Washington, DC January 25, A.L. 6001, A.D. 2001 A Special Communication of the Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., of the District of Columbia was held at the Georgetown Masonic Hall, 1212 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, D.C. at 7:15 P.M. on the date indicated above.
The Grand Lodge was opened in Ample Form by the Grand Master in the office of Potomac Lodge No. 5, with the opening prayer being offered by the Assistant Grand Chaplain, Kwame Acquaah. Purpose The Grand Master announced that he had called this Special Communication to consecrate, dedicate, and constitute Fraternity Lodge No. 54 in accordance with the charter granted to this Lodge at the Annual Communication on December 9, 2000. Business Brother Craig Lasher, a messenger from Fraternity Lodge No. 54, was admitted to report that his Lodge was open and ready to receive the Grand Master and the officers of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge was formed in procession and proceeded into Fraternity Lodge, where the Grand Master was received with grand honors and escorted to the East. The Grand Marshal introduced the Grand Lodge Officers and the Past Grand Masters who were present, both of which were accorded the honors due their stations. The officers of the Grand Lodge then assumed their stations and places and the Grand Master proceeded to consecrate, dedicate, and constitute Fraternity Lodge No. 54. MWB Berning announced that the proceedings of the Lodge were in proper form and directed the Grand Secretary to read the charter of Fraternity Lodge, dated January 25, 2001. Following the reading of the charter, which was properly signed by the stationed officers and the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, the ceremony of consecration, dedication, and constitution was effected in accord with the approved ritual of the Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., of the District of Columbia. Following the consecration, dedication, and constitution of the Lodge, the Grand Master, assisted by the Grand Marshal, installed the following officers of Fraternity Lodge No. 54: James T. Feezell, Worshipful Master Jon W. Pool, Jr., Senior Warden Balfour D. Mattox, Junior Warden Craig R. Lasher, P.M., Secretary Charles Hayman, Musician Closing At the conclusion of the installation ceremony the Grand Master directed the Grand Marshal to form the Grand Lodge in procession for retirement from the Lodge. This being accomplished the Deputy Grand Master, Robert H. Starr, closed the Grand Lodge in Ample Form at 8:20 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Stewart W. Miner, PGM Grand Secretary |